New Cyano-Collage Series will be presented in the upcoming Art Basel Miami Beach by Sean Kelly Gallery
Sean Kelly Gallery | Booth D11Preview November 29 – 30, 2022Public Dates December 1 – 3, 2022Venue 1901 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 New works from Cyano-Collage Series on aluminum board will be presented at the upcoming Art Basel Miami Beach by Sean Kelly Gallery on the fair’s 20th anniversary and Sean Kelly’s 20th year of participation. Since 2002, Art Basel Miami Beach has been a highlight of the global art world calendar, connecting collectors, galleries, artists, and more in an engaging celebration of contemporary art. In 2019, when Chi-Tsung joined Sean Kelly Gallery, his Cyano-Collage 064 was exhibited at Art Basel Miami Beach. Being exhibited in the Meridian Section, which is a new curatorial section for large-scale artworks and performances, the artist was able to challenge himself to complete a largest-scaled composition. 尚凱利畫廊 | D11展位預展 2022年11月29-30日日期 2022年12月1-3日地址 美國邁阿密會展中心 適逢邁阿密巴塞爾藝術展二十週年誌慶,尚凱利畫廊將攜吳季璁使用鋁製底版創作的《氰山集》系列新作亮相D11展位。自2002年創辦以來,邁阿密巴塞爾藝術展一直致力呈現豐富多樣的藝術作品,以別樹一格的方式聯繫南北美洲、歐洲以至世界各地的藝術圖景。 2019年,吳季璁宣布加入尚凱利畫廊,並於同年攜《氰山集之六十四》參展邁阿密巴塞爾藝術展,并在為大型繪畫與裝置作品特設的策展單元「藝匯經線」展區挑戰了大尺幅《氰山集》的創作。